
Jada Rouser 
Prof. Harris  
Global Warming and Climate Change in Puerto Rico 
The island of Puerto Rico will eventually be swallowed whole by the sea. The island will become inhabitable and every species will go extinct or be forced to migrate. Puerto Rico is in werea couple of sparsely populated archipelagos that were a part of 900 islands east of Papua New Cunei. They were named the Kale, KapitaKakatinaZollies and Rehana islands. The collection of islands was low lying and very vulnerable to the rising of the sea level. Between 1947-2014, the sea levels surrounding the islands increased from 28 inches to 39 inches, completely covering them. There was an increase in intensity of winds, atmosphere humidity and natural cycles due to climate change. Now named the “Five Lost Solomon Island”, the islands are used as an example to what to expect globally. The ice caps in Antarctica continue to melt due to the increasing temperatures. The warm weather is only affecting the polar bears for now but what will we do when it starts effecting human beings? In fact, it has already started effecting places in the Caribbean such as Puerto Rico. Environmental changes have affected the Caribbean including a rise in sea level, stronger hurricanes, longer dry seasons and shorter wet seasons. As a result, climate change leads to changes in the economy and community. Climate change can also be looked at in the aspect of who has more resources, whether or not it bothers counties due to privilege.  


  1. Hi Jada,
    I like the strong stance you have taken especially in regards to Puerto Rico. My in-laws lived on the island for two decades and rode out a couple of hurricanes during their time there. Nothing compared to the devastation there not yet recovered from over a year past.
    Your hook about PR being swallowed catches ones attention well. Then your jump into the "sparsely populated archipelagos" is a bit awkward to the reader (could just be me). Perhaps lead in "With a look back in history we find..." (just a thought).
    I saw at a couple of spelling/grammar errors:
    or be forces - should read, or be forced
    an example to what to - should read, an example of what to
    Happy writing,


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