Blog Post Revise 3

and The Devil

     The author of  "Tetiyette and The Devil" conveys the story as a fairy tale. It is presented as a sweet bed time story but turns sour. It becomes sour because of the authority and presence of evil. The author has wrapped dog poop in a beautiful gift box. When Tetiyette sees the devil, she sees the gold and the riches; dismissing his heart. The other characters came to Tetiyette with nothing and I think the author did that to show that all they had to offer was all of their selves. This shows that a immature being may look at material happiness and throw away a mental connection for temporary happiness.
   The connects with Guadalupe in terms of closeness within family and gender roles. In Guadeloupe, it is very traditional for women in the family to be married off. For a young woman to be picked, it is very honorable and a celebratory time. Also in the Guadeloupean culture, it is looked down upon when youth is disrespectful to elders. Hence to when the family told Tetiyette not to go with him and when she did no one helped her. I find that this relates to many minority cultures, the advice taking aspect from older family members.

  The purpose of the story is to warn people of the temptations of the devil. The devil does not come in just the shape of a husband but in the hearts desires. Since the majority of people in Guadeloupe are Roman Catholic, this would support my statement. Roman Catholics are quite strict on rules and what you allow your spirit to be around and witness. This relates to the story because the girls heart followed the desire of wealth and greed which aided to her capture. Hence, the mother was too scared to save her because she knew in her culture it was dangerous to interact with the devil in any aspect. The line " there was a devil roaming the neighborhood. For long he had been wanting to eat up the young girl" supports the thought that the devil roams and feeds into your sin nature. The intended audience for this was people of all ages.


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